2024 Jordan Holiday Classic

Media Stats Tournament Central

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Tournament Schedule and Results: Dec 27 - Dec 29, 2024
Date Event Sport
12/27 Monsignor Scanlan vs. Eagle Academy MBB Men's Basketball
12/27 Hudson Catholic vs. Nazareth MBB Men's Basketball
12/27 The George School vs. Phelps MBB Men's Basketball
12/27 Friendship Tech vs. Lawrence Woodmere MBB Men's Basketball
12/27 Penn Charter vs. The Patrick School MBB Men's Basketball
12/27 Bullis vs. Columbus MBB Men's Basketball
12/27 Paul VI vs. Christ the King MBB Men's Basketball
12/28 Cardinal Hayes vs. South Shore MBB Men's Basketball
12/28 Phelps vs. Blair Academy MBB Men's Basketball
12/28 St. Frances vs. St. Rose MBB Men's Basketball
12/28 Westtown vs. Bishop McNamara WBB Women's Basketball
12/28 Dynamic Prep vs. Bishop McNamara MBB Men's Basketball
12/28 Columbus vs. Long Island Lutheran MBB Men's Basketball
12/29 Lawrence Woodmere vs. Dynamic Prep MBB Men's Basketball
12/29 Link Academy vs. Columbus MBB Men's Basketball
12/29 Archbishop Carroll vs. St. Frances MBB Men's Basketball
12/29 Imhotep vs. St. Raymond MBB Men's Basketball
12/29 South Kent vs. College Achieve MBB Men's Basketball
12/29 Blair Academy vs. Our Saviour Lutheran MBB Men's Basketball